Personal Information Registration | 個人資料記錄 |
Personal Health Survey | 個人健康分析問卷 |
Medical History Questionnaire | 個人病歷記錄 |
General Fitness Examination | 體格檢查 |
Body Height, Weight & BMI Measurement | 量度身高、體重及體重指標 |
Blood Pressure Measurement | 量度血壓 |
Pulse Rate Measurement | 量度脈膊速率 |
Diabetes Screening | 糖尿病測試 |
Fasting Blood Glucose | 空腹血糖 |
Coronary Risk & Lipid Profile Tests | 冠心病風險及血脂肪組合測試 |
Total Cholesterol | 總膽固醇 |
HDL Cholesterol | 高密度膽固醇 |
Chol-HDL Chol Ratio | 總及高密度膽固醇比例 |
LDL Cholesterol | 低密度膽固醇 |
VLDL Cholesterol | 超低密度膽固醇 |
Triglycerides | 三酸甘油脂 |
Blood Disorders (Anaemia, Leukaemia) Screening | 血細胞檢查(貧血、血癌) |
Haemoglobin | 血色素 |
Red Blood Cell Count | 紅血球數量 |
Other Red Cell Indices | 其他紅血球指數 |
White Blood Cell Count | 白血球數量 |
Differential Count | 白血球分類 |
Platelet Count | 血小板數量 |
Hepatitis B Tests | 乙型肝炎測試 |
HBsAg (Infection & Carrier) | 乙型肝炎表面抗原(感染及帶菌) |
HBsAb (Immunity) | 乙型肝炎表面抗體(免疫力) |
Liver Function Tests | 肝功能檢查 |
Bilirubin - Total, Direct & Indirect | 總膽紅素、直接、間接膽紅素 |
Alkaline Phosphatase | 鹼性磷酸酵素 |
ALT/SGPT | 穀丙轉氨酵素 |
AST/SGOT | 穀草轉氨酵素 |
Gamma GT | 丙種谷氨酰轉肽酵素 |
Blood Protein Level Tests | 蛋白質測試 |
Total Protein | 總蛋白 |
Albumin | 白蛋白 |
Globulin | 球蛋白 |
A/G Ratio | 白蛋白球蛋白比率 |
Renal Function Tests | 腎功能檢查 |
Urea | 尿素 |
Creatinine | 肌酸酐 |
Thyroid Function Test | 甲狀腺功能測試 |
TSH | 促甲狀腺激素 |
Gout Disease Screening | 痛風症檢查 |
Uric Acid | 尿酸 |
Inflammation Screening | 炎症檢查 |
ESR | 血沉降率 |
Urine Analysis | 尿液檢查 |
Urine Biochemistry | 尿液生化檢查 |
Urine Glucose | 尿糖 |
Urine Protein | 尿蛋白 |
Urine Blood Cells (Red & White Blood Cells) | 尿內紅血球、白血球 |
Urine Bacteria & Yeasts | 尿內細菌及念珠菌 |
Urine Crystals | 尿內結晶體 |
Hepatitis A Test | 甲型肝炎測試 |
HAV Ab (Immunity) | 甲型肝炎抗體(免疫力) |
Colorectal Cancer and Gastrointestinal Bleeding Screening | 結直腸癌及腸道出血檢查 |
Stool Occult Blood | 大便潛血 |
Blood Group | 血型 |
ABO Blood Group | 血型 |
Rh D Factor | 恆河猴因子 |
Rheumatoid Arthritis Screening | 類風濕關節炎檢查 |
RA Factor | 類風濕關節炎因子 |
Tumor Markers | 癌症指標測試 |
AFP (Liver Cancer) | 甲種胎兒蛋白(肝癌) |
CEA (Colon Cancer) | 癌性胚胎抗原(結腸癌) |
Prostate Cancer Screening (Male) | 前列腺癌檢查(男士) |
PSA | 前列腺癌抗原 |
Cervical Cancer Screening (Female) | 子宮頸癌檢查(女士) |
Pap Smear | 柏氏癌細胞塗片檢查 |
Venereal Disease Screening | 性病篩選檢查 |
HIV I & II Ag & Ab | 愛滋病毒一及二抗原及抗體 |
Tumor Markers | 癌症指標測試 |
Free PSA (Prostate Cancer) (Male) | 游離前列腺癌抗原(前列腺癌)(男士) |
Beta HCG (Testicular Cancer) (Male) | 人絨毛膜促性腺素(睪丸癌)(男士) |
CA15.3 (Breasts Cancer) (Female) | 癌抗原15.3(乳癌)(女士) |
CA125 (Ovarian Cancer) (Female) | 癌抗原125(卵巢癌)(女士) |
CA19.9 (Pancreatic Cancer) | 癌抗原19.9(胰臟癌) |
EBV (Nasopharyngeal Cancer) | 艾泊斯坦氏病毒抗體(鼻咽癌) |
Iron Deficiency Anaemia Test | 缺鐵性貧血測試 |
Iron | 鐵質 |
Prostate Examination (Male) | 前列腺檢查(男士) |
Ultrasound Examination of Prostate and Urinary Bladder | 前列腺、膀胱超聲波掃描檢查 |
Breasts Examination (Female) | 乳房檢查(女士) |
Ultrasound Examination of Breasts | 乳房超聲波掃描檢查 |
Abdomen Examination | 腹部檢查 |
Ultrasound Examination of Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Spleen, and Kidneys | 肝臟、膽囊、胰臟、脾臟、腎臟超聲波掃描檢查 |
Pelvis Examination (Female) | 盆腔檢查(女士) |
Ultrasound Examination of Uterus, Ovaries, and Urinary Bladder | 子宮、卵巢、膀胱超聲波掃描檢查 |
Osteoporosis Examination | 骨質疏鬆症檢查 |
DEXA Bone Densitometry | 雙能量X光骨質密度檢查 |
Coronary Heart Disease Risk Test | 冠心病風險測試 |
Homocysteine | 同型半胱氨酸 |
Cardiology Examination | 心臟檢查 |
Electrocardiography (ECG) | 心電圖檢查 |
Cardiopulmonary Examination | 心肺檢查 |
Chest X-Ray | 胸肺X光 |
Abdominal Examination | 腹部檢查 |
KUB X-Ray (Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder) | 腹部X光(腎臟、輸尿管、膀胱) |
Medical Report | 醫療報告 |
Comprehensive Health Check Report with Doctor's Comment & Suggestion (Bilingual) | 詳盡健康檢查報告連醫生註解及建議(中英對照) |
Doctor's Consultation | 醫生會診 |
Report Interpretation and Conclusive Advice | 醫生臨床解釋報告及總括建議 |
All tests are not for the purpose of medical diagnosis or treatment 所有檢查並非作為醫務診斷或治療用途
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